Entrusted with the promotion and marketing of more than seven billion dollars in filmed, broadcast, live, online and gaming entertainment, The Illusion Factory has helped to generate more than $100 billion in gross revenue, while garnering more than 265 of the top creative and technical awards for their clients. As the inventors of many new patented and patent-pending technologies, The Illusion Factory is proud of the long list of impressive products, ideas, technologies and concepts for which they were the first to create, innovate, design and market.

Sizzle is a marketing disruptor

Sizzle is a direct result of The Illusion Factory producing thousands of campaigns, games, contests, and interactive experiences for all of the major studios, broadcasters, music and gaming companies.
Leveraging all of the proven models that drive consumers from entertainment properties to consumer packaged goods and physical locations that had been conceived and produced at The Illusion Factory, Sizzle was formulated to become a quintessential new platform capable of interacting and engaging with all forms of media, and locations.

We have been fortunate to collaborate with many world-class corporations and brands.


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