Branded merchandise is readily distributed by companies to promote their brand message, and to endear the consumer. Sizzle expands your marketing campaign by using Sizzle as the portal between your branded merchandise and your promotions. Your fans can be conditioned to scan your merchandise daily for new content, if you so desire. Or you can put one campaign in place and let it run for longer periods of time. Your choice.
By scanning an article of clothing, Sizzle instantly launches a game, video, website, AR hologram, contest, survey for your audience to engage with. By leveraging high perceived value/low actual cost souvenirs, such as autographed merchandise, or similar, Sizzle allows you to secure a strong interaction with your promotion, thereby engendering goodwill and expected return patronage.

Launch Sizzle Spin, Sizzle AR Games or a custom game of your choosing from our library of games. Then generate significant ongoing revenue and data per consumer while building customer appreciation and loyalty.
Nonprofit companies are able to convert their merchandise into donation generation mechanisms by pairing opportunities to scan their merchandise with offers, and then simultaneously providing the consumer with a convenient pathway to make a donation, volunteer or otherwise take part in activities that support the cause.

The Sizzle Spin games are intricately programmed to your specific requirements to ensure that the outcome of prizes awarded vs. offers converted is a ratio that is appropriate for your business model. This means you may make it as easy or as difficult as you may desire to win any of the prizes that you are offering, while simultaneously providing the players with offers of genuine interest and value to the consumers you are engaging. All of this is readily available when your consumer uses Sizzle Scan to scan your branded merchandise and launch the outcomes of your campaign.
For help in planning your scanned campaigns inside Sizzle, The Illusion Factory is available to consult on and produce any of the campaign elements that you should require.