PURPOSE Expand the tourism experience by providing augmented experiences that bring history to life while touring a city or region. CONCEPT Augmented experiences reveal historic photos from the user’s current vantage point. Augmentations that appear transposed over the current scene. Stories of famous crime scenes, or stories of heroism, bravery and patriotism. Or developmental changes […]
Use AR to make a citywide treasure hunt
PURPOSE Create cross traffic between MGM owned resorts as well as pull in traffic from competitor’s resorts using a cohesive treasure hunt marketing program. CONCEPT Take users on a guided tour of a city, looking for and collecting visual holograms. This can lead to any of the multitude of Sizzle outcomes provided in the offer […]
Viral Social Media Campaigns
PURPOSE Elevate a brand to a new stature of social media sharing potential using SizzleFX to add a fun and engaging experience to a brand promotion. This increases transactions both online and retail as well as deepening consumer loyalty. CONCEPT Sizzle’s suite of augmented reality systems allows for consumers to take pictures of pets, kids […]