Print Advertising in magazines usually converts to a predictable percentage of sales, based upon previous attempts, trends, market conditions, etc. Sizzle Vision changes the return on investment by turning each and every advertisement into a cash register by providing a transactional interaction that is seamless from start to finish.
Consumers will increase their interactive discovery upon learning that their favorite publication is now programmed with each of their magazine ads set to trigger engagements of all kinds. Print advertising is now converted from a passive engagement to a dynamic engagement with many possibilities.

Pick your choice of outcomes:
An offer that is made using Sizzle’s Offer Engine™ enables our users to choose from a wide variety of desired outcomes:
- View A Video, Trailer, Sizzle Reel, Spot, PSA
- View An Augmented Reality Experience
- View A 360º Video
- View A Matterport Virtual Reality Model
- Enter Games, Contests, Sweepstakes
- Make A Purchase On Your Website
- Make A Purchase In Sizzle Store
- Increase User Base
- Cross Marketing Opportunities
- Make A Purchase At Your Physical Locations
- AR Experiences Shared To Social Media
- Provide Information For B2B AND B2C
- Take A Poll, Survey Or Test
- Add To Contacts
- Call Us

In Pull Advertising, the success metric of the campaign is solely determined by you. As you define your desired outcome, you will program Sizzle to help you engage with your customers in fresh and exciting new ways.

The Sizzle Scan using Sizzle Vision™ can read words, logos, packages. It can recognize posters and billboards. Once scanned, Sizzle is then able to provide many valuable uses for that information, including translation to other languages, ingestion of your contact information into their contacts list, providing access to much more comprehensive and useful information, and much more.

The Illusion Factory will gladly assist you in strategizing for your interactive print advertising campaigns to ensure you generate the largest return on your advertising investment.