Sentimental holograms created using SizzleFX add significant revenue and experiences to your event celebration and wedding packages.
Digital interaction will substantially impact the emotional engagement of an event invitation, announcement, or celebration.
Guests are prompted to scan the invitation using Sizzle to see the sentimental holograms. The holograms are shot and assembled at any competent video studio specializing in green screen videography. The subject is shot on green screen, and easily loaded to Sizzle to appear at the scan of the announcement or invitation.
From the SizzleFX hologram, recipients may be directed to a host of options including connection with a specific bridal registry, or an RSVP system, or register your response to the announcer.
Use of this innovation, helps to reinvent the printing model while creating a sentimental hologram permanent keepsake that friends and family will love forever!
The full sentimental hologram wedding package would be the announcement video, the invitation video, and the collective thank you video, representing a significant increase in value that your consumers will experience using Sizzle. The financial opportunities of connecting this hologram to the bridal registry increases the overall profit margin of the wedding package and instantly facilitates the wedding couple getting more of what they really want for their most special day!
After the wedding, Sizzle’s home image visualization system allows your customers to mix and match your selected images with your selected frames to instantly see how something they are ordering will look when in the home. Once they make their choices, Sizzle instantly takes their order and transmits the details directly to you for processing and fulfillment.

The Illusion Factory is available to consult on how to best maximize the sentimental hologram experience.