• Custom games to introduce products

    PURPOSE All of the games in Sizzle are designed as pull advertising. Use your products, services and experiences as the playing pieces in a Sizzle game and allow potential customers to discover some of your products by playing a game and choosing between them as both prizes and discounted offers. Sizzle has several stock games, […]

  • Dare consumers to ignore your brand

    PURPOSE Increase product awareness, consumer loyalty, peer to peer sharing and social media sharing. CONCEPT In Sizzle, you may dare your audience to ignore you. If they are able. Your brand may use humor, surprise, and of course, gorgeous people to draw their attention up to your logo. If they succeed in ignoring you, give […]

  • Deliver product information in video

    PURPOSE Make packages instantly readable in Sizzle and then enable the user to access more information in video or written formats in whatever native language that the user speaks. Increases product / consumer understanding and awareness. Generates good will and helps prevent misuse of product. CONCEPT Scan a product label to watch a video. Defeats […]

  • Direct response with a cash register

    PURPOSE Create activations and user engagement. Generate instant transactions and increase the ROI of direct response advertising. Expand the user’s knowledge of the direct response offer by connecting to videos, AR and other informative media. CONCEPT Direct response business cards, point of sale, signs, banners are all scanned by Sizzle, revealing the offer that is […]

  • Donut hole flick

    PURPOSE Shine a spotlight on Dunkin’ donut holes as a featured product and use them in a fun, new augmented reality game. CONCEPT Users must flick donut holes into the mouths of their friend. This multiplayer game allows each player to take turns and see how many they can launch into their friend’s mouth in […]

  • Download content directly from video or TV

    PURPOSE Utilize Sizzle as the hyperlink that takes valuable downloadable content that is available from a broadcast program or a streaming service and enable that content to be instantly downloaded without searching for links outside of the viewing experience. Generates downloads, sales, consumer interactions, market research, engagement and appreciation. CONCEPT Use the Sizzle interactive button […]

  • Expand the keepsake experience

    PURPOSE Expand the profit center and user experience of keepsake specialty merchandise by making it scannable. The scan can lead to many possible outcomes. Increase customer activations and engagement. Generate significant new revenue with a simple addition. Create long term consumer loyalty. CONCEPT Scan keepsake specialty merchandise to launch any one of numerous outcomes: Sizzle […]

  • Extensive AI powered data and analytics

    PURPOSE Data is highly confidential in Sizzle. It is gathered to enable Sizzle to better deliver pertinent, relevant and desired content to our users. Sizzle’s data belongs only to the merchant who brought a user into Sizzle, as it was their customer, fan or user prior to them asking that user to download Sizzle and […]

  • Fabulous, mouth-watering meals entice

    PURPOSE Excite a user to view sumptuous food through an engaging augmented reality presentation. Gamify the experience with discounts and prizes and whet the audience’s appetite so they are excited to dine in the restaurant. CONCEPT Food with exquisite design is augmented atop a physical location, using GPS, such as standing outside the Waldorf Astoria, […]

  • Floating bottles lead to prizes

    PURPOSE Facilitate a user to engage in a promotion inside of a stadium or watching at home, and share that experience on social media. CONCEPTS User points the camera at the stadium field and sees about 20 floating products in augmented reality. One of the contains a prize, the others, a discount. User is able […]