Branded merchandise is readily distributed by companies to promote their brand message, and to endear the consumer. Sizzle expands your marketing campaign by using Sizzle as the portal between your branded merchandise and your promotions. Your fans can be conditioned
When you have spent considerable sums producing your Sizzle reel, your goal is to maximize your return on investment by taking your content and inserting it into your fans lives in easy to access, engaging methods.
Consumers appreciate when processes, such as application of cosmetics are made more easy to understand using informational tutorial videos.
Pairing a visual scan with GPS enables Sizzle to become a perfect partner in real estate sales.
Whether they are tied to a sports event, concert, or window of time to incentivize attendance during a low consumer window of patronage, Time is one of the most valuable triggers.
Fans buy a branded shirt to the game, team, league, show, movie, musician, cause of their choice.
Sizzle Vision translates anything easily by reading the item, contacting the Sizzle Offer Engine, and returning the translation requested in the desired language.
Sizzle provides countless new solutions to incentivize consumers to attend films in the movie theaters.
Make your business card stand apart from the pack and generate the proper first impressions.
Merchandise producers with the proper license properties have a new significant potential revenue available.